The high realism achieved by Eleanor gives one the illusion of looking at real life, not an image on canvas.
Reared on a dairy farm, edged by woods and creek near Woodstock, Ontario, Eleanor has been acutely aware of the sights and sounds of nature since childhood.
When Eleanor and Lloyd’s three children were in grade school, Eleanor began formal art training in London prior to leaving for the Netherlands Antilles in 1973 to serve with Trans World Radio.
Upon returning to Canada in 1984, Eleanor studied landscape paintings with Kitchener artist, Mike Roth. Techniques in wildlife painting were enhanced during seminars with renowned artists at Gallery-on-the-Lake, Buckhorn.
A solo exhibition in Waterloo in 1996 was followed by other exhibitions in Grimsby and Ayr. Paintings have been entered in several juried exhibitions.
Eleanor’s art adorns homes throughout North America and beyond.
Clients appreciate the sense of peace that emanates from her paintings.